Displaying Laser Beam Spot Overlays

An overlay of the beam spots showing where laser beams intersect the target can be displayed in the Main Graphics Window. To do this, select Show | Beam Spots Overlay.

The images below show overlays for a spherical target (left) and a hohlraum target (right) at OMEGA.



The overlay shows iso-intensity contours where the beam hits the target. Also shown is the ID for each beam. The points along the contours are determined by ray-trace calculations for a grid of rays that represent each beam. If a beam partially hits two different target components, those intersection points will be displayed on the different target components (as portions of a circle). The default location of the beam ID (label) is determined by where the centroid (or axis) of the beam hits the target.

Note that the number of angle points used in generating each contour is equal to the number of angle points used in generating the beam cones in the Main Graphics Window.

Use the Laser tab of the Preferences dialog (to access this, select Edit | Preferences.) to adjust:

Other features of Beam Spot Overlay labels include:

The location of the intersection of each laser beam centroid with the target can be written to a file. To do this, select File | Export Beam-Target Intersection Points.





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